Application Process
Applications for the 2025 Otago Academy of Sport Year 1 and 3 Programmes are now open. Please carefully read the information below, and fill out the application form at the bottom of the page. If you have any queries, do not hesitate to email Carmel on Alternatively you can call her on 0275713382.
Background Information
The Otago Academy of Sport Programs accept athletes from Otago, North Otago & Central Otago. The program is coordinated and run by the Otago Academy of Sport Charitable Trust. The Academy provides a sport science support network including sports nutrition, athlete life and mental skills, as well as a tailored strength and conditioning gym-based program for the selected regionally identified athletes. The programs are supported by Otago’s Regional Sporting Organisations (RSO’s), who assist us with identifying emerging talent from podium and aspirational sports across the Otago regions.
The Otago Academy of Sport Program
In 2025, athletes from the Otago region will be given the opportunity to be included in the Otago Academy of Sport Talent Development Program (TDP) for a two year period.
Year 1 – Foundation Year
The first year of the program, (The Foundation Year) offers athletes an introduction on how sport science can support their development in their chosen sport(s). It includes the development of an Individual Performance Plan (IPP), workshops, physical movement screening, and a group-based gym training program with a qualified strength and conditioning coach. There is also a development day camp for the athletes which provides more support in public speaking, training and game recovery, media skills, broad life skills and fun activities including barre and yoga, gymnastics and fundamental movement training, rock climbing and other sports which look at coachability.
School Athletes must be in Year 13, or out of school athletes at an equivalent age in 2025.
Will preferably be in the Otago region for the length of the Talent Development Program (2 years). If they do head away to study or work we can set up a support system to continue working with the athletes remotely in their second year. We have had a number of athletes head off to University outside of Dunedin and remain in the program.
Year 2 – Leadership Year
The second-year program (The Leadership Year) builds on principles from year one, and includes one on one consults in athlete life (which addresses performance and life goals), health and wellbeing, mental skills coaching and sports nutrition oversight and programming, more in depth workshops as well as gym-based training and programming. The multi-disciplinary approach in year two is so important to supporting the athlete in sport and life and addresses the overall health and wellbeing of the athlete. Their sports doctors, physios, parents and coaches are all involved in the process.
All year 1 athletes progress onto year 2 without needing to apply, with the only criteria being they are still involved in their sport, and they were committed to the program in year 1. It’s important to note that we will continue to support an athlete if they are injured and requiring time out from their sport.
Year 3 – Excel
The third year of the program or for some the first year as a mature athlete. (Time to Excel). This program was introduced in 2023 and has been very successful. It is an extension program where athletes have the ability to reapply each year. This program will include graduates who apply from the Year 2 program, as well as a selection of other athletes who are older (19+) years, who have not been through the OAS Talent Development Program (Yr 1 and 2), are recognised by their sporting body as showing promise and who have the attributes to reach higher honours in their sport.
Selection into the Excel program will be at the discretion of the Programme Manager and consideration will be given to how the athlete is tracking at a regional and national level. This program is targeting athletes out of school who are currently unsupported, but are still passionate about achieving in their sport. These athletes must have a desire to compete and perform at a National or International level. Athletes in this program will benefit from strength and conditioning, and will be supported through athlete life consultations addressing, planning, goals, sport/life balance, health and wellbeing.All new Excel athletes are also given the option to attend any year 1 and 2 workshops they’re interested in. Other potential services we’ll offer include mental skills coaching for performance and sports nutrition.
– TDP Yr 2 Graduate
– Minimum age 19 or have left school
The Otago Academy of Sport;
To identify and support Otago athletes to reach their full potential in sport and life.
To nurture each athlete to achieve their sporting potential, supporting them with personal growth and develop leadership skills so they can inspire other athletes in the region to achieve greatness.” To also partner with tertiary institutions in Otago to offer internship opportunities in the area of sport science to gain valuable industry experience.
1. Aims
- Assist athletes on their performance pathway
- Offer resources, expertise and wrap around support.
- Health and Wellbeing checks
- Enhance knowledge and involvement of Coaches/Providers, including interns
- Increase the number of Otago Athletes competing for longer and pushing for higher honours.
- Engage RSO’s and NSO’s
2. Eligibility Criteria: (“Otago” refers to the regions of Dunedin, South, North and Central Otago)
- Reside in Otago, and is a member of, or affiliated to an Otago, Club or Organisation, or represent Otago, Central Otago or North Otago at the date of this application.
- Submitted a completed application.
- Year 13 – Minimum age of 17 (as of 1 January 2025)
- Currently performing at regional age group level with potential to represent in age-groups and in NZ Junior and Open Status.
Should circumstances prevail, Otago Academy of Sport may choose to consider applicants that fall outside of the stated criteria.
3. Performance Services and Support:
There are two main components to the service and support offered to athletes involved in the Academy Otago Development Programs:
- Performance Related Workshops
- Group and Individual Services
Most of the servicing offered in year one is centred on group services/workshops. These workshops focus on developing the athlete and coaches support service knowledge and increasing their understanding of the key principles of pre-elite and elite training and performance. Athletes and coaches will have the opportunity to gain greater insight into a wide range of services, ensuring the foundations of an elite performance pathway are in place.
4.Cost of the Programme
The Talent Development Program cost is the following:
Year 1: $300 plus GST/year
Year 2 : $350 plus GST/year
Excel : $300 plus GST/year
Gym Membership: $350 plus GST/year ($30/month)
The gym membership fee which also covers the cost of paying a Strength and Conditioning coach to program each athlete, and be coaching at each gym session.
N.B.This payment needs to be made before 20 May 2025, however payment arrangements can be organised with the Program Manager on a case by case basis.
Group Services
Workshops cover areas including Athlete Life, Mental Skills, Sports Nutrition and Strength and Conditioning, Drug Free Sport, Financial Skills,
Emotional/Mental Health and Wellbeing.
Topics covered include.
- Becoming an athlete: overview of the demands, expectations, requirements placed upon the athlete lifestyle.
- Performance Lifestyle: Planning for the demands of sport, study and/or work (time management, goal setting, funding etc).
- Fuel: Overview of sports nutrition and supplementation and a cooking workshop.
- Gaining the Mental Edge: Overview of Sports Psychology
- Principles of Training: Overview of different types of training (e.g. strength, power, endurance, speed, and recovery). Gym Sessions/Programming with a S&C coach.
Individual Services
All athletes will have individual access to the Performance Life-style Programme. This program assists athletes to manage their lives effectively in the pursuit of sporting excellence, supporting them with sport/life balance and ensuring they have a good healthy perspective, in addition to minimising sport-life barriers that can be challenging for aspiring athletes.
4. Athlete Requirements:
By accepting the offer of Otago Academy of Sport services and support, an athlete agrees to:
- Optimise the services and support made available through the Academy Otago & Central Otago programs
- Attend all scheduled workshops and individual consultations and communicate if you are unable to attend.
- Availability to attend a residential camp (Academy Otago only), and to prioritise this over competition and training. Camp dates TBC but are normally scheduled in May 2024. This might require a day’s leave from School, University or Work.
- Abstain from taking prohibited substances (knowingly or unknowingly).
- When required, cooperate with OAS in public relations and promotional activities.
- Commit to regular communication/correspondence with OAS.
- Maintain behaviour and personal standards conducive to sporting excellence.
5. Application Process:
5.1. Year One Athlete and Year 3 Excel Athlete Application Forms must be completed in full by the athlete and then signed by the athlete (and their parent/guardian if under 18 years at time of application). The athlete must also ensure that their coach completes the Coach Support section included within the Application Form. Coach name and email contact details are a requirement.
All applications must be received by Monday 17th February 2025.
5.2. OAS will contact RSO’s to grade all the athlete applicants.
Close off date for RSO’s to submit their applications is 5.00pm, Monday 24th February 2025.
Applicants will be informed by Monday 3rd March 2025.
5.3. Application enquiries from RSO’s, athletes and coaches should be directed to the
Program Manager Carmel Leslie on 0275713382
6. Selection
6.1 Selection Process
Applications will be assessed and prioritised by an Otago Academy of Sport assessment panel. The panel comprises representatives from OAS and the Academy Otago Program Manager.
National Sporting Organisations (NSO’s) may also be consulted during this process where a RSO doesn’t exist.
The Selection Committee may request an interview with an applicant and/or the applicant’s coach as part of the selection process.
6.2 Selection Criteria
All applications are evaluated against the following selection criteria:
- Athlete’s ability to represent the Otago region and any higher honours.
- Endorsement and ranking from RSO and/or NSO.
- Athlete’s ability to be driven and committed and have the desire to work hard to achieve their goals.
- Feedback from the athlete’s respective coach.
- Application quality.
6.3 Selection Outcome
Otago Academy of Sport will notify all applicants of the outcome of their application by Monday 3rd March 2025.
The selected athletes will come together as a group to begin the program in mid-March 2025.